Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 3 Question: 
"How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organisation exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organised at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organised, blog about an aspect of that organisation process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organised stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry."

I did import most of the stash onto ravelry. My profile is Kaitlinh. Otherwise I keep the literal stash in fabric bins in the closet. Not too exciting, and most of it is located back in my hometown. That's probably a good thing since I don't have much room here to store more yarn. haha. 

Yesterday was a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. Without re-hashing it all some things occurred: I had discussions with five idiotic people, (not one FIVE), my sunglasses I love were lost, I journeyed 20 minutes to a place where nothing was to be found, I glimpsed a poor run over cat on the road. This is all without going to class- had that occurred someone would be missing an appendage. I am just waiting for the weekend. I spend all week counting down the hours my uninteresting cooking class will be over and my happy actual life can begin. The joy of required courses! I will be proud to have survived it. The last two nine day lab segments are NOT cooking classes. Thank goodness. Yesterday I needed some comfort food so here they are: 

A chocolate raspberry cupcake from Sunflour. I also got some peach-mango yogurt from Tasty Yo. I get a discount since I'm the four square mayor. I got to see my favorite yo-tender, Eli, who thought I dropped off the face of the earth. In reality, my earth was overtaken by an alien known as: Cooking Lab Segment. Pretty evil. I got my free Noodles and Co on South Blvd, which was nice. I won this meal, since two weeks ago my to go side salad had no dressing. None- zip-zilch. Also had an ice cream cone from Mr. K's which was cheap and flavorless. I just wanted to crunch the soggy cone at the bottom anyway. The parking was insane though... Like usual. I'm looking forward to a run with E on Friday and my first swim lesson with Keith. He's taking them, I'm teaching them. Besides, Petsmart friday night and work Sat. morning I have NOTHING SCHEDULED. This is the FIRST time since Spring break this had occurred. I am ready to sit down or outside on the roof deck, listen to my new Hunger Games audiobook (also got the Last Song) and knit on my Wispy Cardigan. The swatch turned evil and wouldn't rip out without breaking due to the laceweight yarn. Besides being frustrating my gauge is half an inch off, but I'm going to trust in the Knitting Gods and hope it turns out. I learned I hate male readers on audiobooks and much to my dismay, the reader for the entire Harry Potter series has a horrid voice.... tsk tsk.  I sound like an old lady in the making- alas. I entered the Jimmy Beans Wool Beans for Brains Scholarship Competition and hopefully my application is received. Here's a swatch photo, sorry it's upside down.

BABY L says: 

What is this thing you call, camera phone?! 

As always,

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the first portion of your entry is a quote from someone else, because they do not know how to spell organized! Got to have a Z not an S! The comforts of cupcakes and yogurt!!! I hear you found your glasses which makes a good ending for the lousy day!
