Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 2

"Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or forms of knitting/crochet (can you crochet cable stitches now where you didn’t even know such things existed last year? Have you recently put a foot in the tiled world of entrelac? Had you even picked up a pair of needles or crochet hook this time last year?"

Well this time last year I wasn't crocheting or knitting. In May of 2010, I was reminded of how to crochet and off I went. I used the Stitch N Bitch Crochet book and made little squares of each stitch pattern and amigurumi out the wazoo. 
Here we have mouse for Grandma, Octopus with 6 legs for Caroline (no that wasn't intended)  and my first one: Hippo that can't stand on it's own legs. haha. Crochet and internet tv saved my life at my sumemr camp job  and I spend every meeting making hats. I learned how to knit in November 2011 and whoosh. Hello converted knitter! There's something about the swoosh and click. 

As always,

1 comment:

  1. Funny to see a photo of the hippo when he is looking at me here on my desk! Don't forget the fox! It is always amazing to look back at how far one has come in. Reflection serves many purposes.
